Use a different interface depending on your language preference (Java or Python).


One of the following three methods can be used:

  1. Maven
  2. Using a pre-compiled jar
  3. Build yourself


If you use Apache Maven for your project’s dependency management, adding the following dependency entry to your pom.xml is all you need to do to use VerdictDB. For all available versions, visit this page.


Download a Pre-compiled Jar

You only need a single jar file. This jar file is compiled with JDK8.

Download: verdictdb-core-0.5.4-jar-with-dependencies.jar

Build Yourself

  1. Clone from our Github public repository. Use command
     git clone
  2. Change directory to the directory to the repository you have cloned. Use command,
     cd verdictdb
  3. Build the jar file by maven. Use command
     mvn -DskipTests -DtestPhase=false -DpackagePhase=true clean package

    Check the target directory for the created jar files.

    Since Maven requires JDK. Please make sure you have installed JDK. You can use command

     javac -version

    to check your java compiler version. The output should look like this

     $ javac -version
     javac 1.8.0_171-1-ojdkbuild

    If not, please install JDK first and then use maven to build the file.

Python (pyverdict)

PyVerdict (or pyverdict) is a Python interface to VerdictDB (which itself is implemented in Java). At the moment, pyverdict supports MySQL and Presto.


pyverdict is developed and tested on miniconda for Python 3.7.


PyVerdict is available from PyPI (with project name pyverdict); thus, it can be installed as follows:

pip install pyverdict --upgrade

Note that pyverdict already ships a latest VerdictDB jar in it; thus, no separate installation is necessary.

Build Yourself (for developments)

  1. Clone from our Github public repository. Use command
     git clone
  2. Change directory to the pyverdict directory to the repository you have cloned. Use command,
     cd verdictdb/pyverdict
  3. Build the pyverdict for continuous developments with
     python develop

    which can be uninstalled by

     python develop --uninstall